FEATURED Author - Rosemary "Mamie" Adkins

Reflections of Mamie|Miss Mamie's Co.2013|Autobiography,Self-help|The memoirs of a parental abuse survivor who describes her journey from terrible pain and suffering back to health.|Paperback|978-1938686870|Abuse, autobiography, child abuse, safety, help|

Author of:
Reflections of Mamie: A Story of Survival

  Rosemary "Mamie" Adkins relays a courageous life story that connects with readers on many levels. Her personal tragedies have left scars that she so bravely shows us as she unravels her story. You will be moved and amazed at her story of survival, and her courage to continue forth in such a determined manner. Follow Mamie as she struggles with self-worth, while confronting the turmoil within. The story will connect with you on some level, no matter who you are. If you ever wanted a person to look up to and believe in, this book will provide the opportunity for just that. -----------
Only Quality Indie:  Where do you live, Mamie?
Rosemary "Mamie" Adkins:  Bremerton, Washington, U.S.A.
OQI: Mamie, thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. To begin, I suppose I should ask if you consider yourself to be an "Indie" author.
Yes Stephen, I do consider myself to be an “Indie” author, and in every sense. While I was writing my book it never occurred to me what happened to it after it was written, or what I would do with my story. I only knew my story had to be written and shared so others would find their way to happiness. Once my book had been completed in a way anyone would want to read it, I set out to find a way to get it printed having no clue which direction to go. I began researching different ways to have a book published and discovered the many ways to go about it. I made my decision that I could do it alone but only after finding a publishing coach to at least learn the particulars of where to begin the process. As difficult as it was to write my story, I found that to self publish it was going to be much more of a challenge, and as you have read my story, you know challenges are my way of life. To self publish was not going to be any less of a challenge than any other I had found along the way. 

OQI: What books do you like to read?
RA:  I enjoy reading non-fiction or just fun books. For a deeper read, What's Behind Your Belly Button strikes me as one that works our brains. Then again, I also enjoy reading thoughtless books just for the fun of reading. Not comedy, but heart-lifting.

OQI:  Who are some of your favorite authors and why? 
RA: Other than the old classics, I believe that John Grisham would be one of the authors I admire for the fictions and characters he brings to the screen, making you feel as though you were right there with them. On the side of authors not well known, Martha Char Love is up there with those that inspire me. She's a psychologist, but she is able to take a deep subject and bring it to our levels inspiring you to be the best you can be by understanding who you are.
OQI: Mamie, when did you first know you wanted to be an author?
RA: I wanted to write when I was in elementary school, and have wanted to ever since, but as a child everything written was destroyed. I was told that women do not write or waste time, and that I had no [artistic] gifts. Later in life I had no time, and was afraid to write. Then I spent 16 years trying to write my last book but could not get it to read with any value for others, so I gave it up again for years until I decided to try again and simply disciplined myself to write every day.

OQI: What other genres you would consider writing about?
RA:  I write what I know about, so its always creative non-fiction, but I would at some point like to write a novel, and play with dialogue to bring characters to life.   

OQI: Having read Reflections of Mamie, I can say that the story is gripping due to its honesty. Where did you find the courage to tell your story?
RA:  Finding the courage to tell my story came from the small child of age four pictured on the cover of my book who refused to ever give up. She learned to stand alone, shouting to those in control that she counted in life; wanted to be heard and refused to be silenced.   

OQI: Do you have plans to ever write this story in a way that is appealing to children?

Click to learn more about Mamie's TV interview
RA:  I have belonged to writers' groups for some time and have met many children’s authors. I have come to the conclusion that it is not easy to write complex material for children so that they understand. Stephen, until you asked this question, it never occurred to me to do so, but it may be something I would entertain as a possibility. There are so many good children's authors that I know that this type of book would be one I would share or consult about with someone that already reaches children on a teaching level. One person I have respect for is Linda Hales, who writes for children's entertainment, yet also teaches valuable lessons through her writing. Linda has the ability to write such a book. She helped me through endless hours of sifting through memories, drawing me out of my hole. She does this same thing with her children’s books. Linda writes a series that began with Sunshine and Her Big Blarney Smile, and she is taking them to each country, over time. The type of book you suggest needs to be written, I am just not sure if I could do it alone, having never written a children's book, but thank you, Stephen, for putting that thought in my mind. Martha Char Love, whom I had the honor to meet last Summer when we traveled to Hawaii - along with Linda Hales, with whom I have worked so closely - would make for a perfect team to write a children's version of my story.   
OQI: Since I assume that children may not gravitate to this style of presentation, is it possible to reach out to those at risk some other way?
RA: Stephen, this is a sad question in thought. For me, memory of abuse began at age four. How to teach children at this age or younger would be nearly impossible for obvious reasons. Most children at this age are not away from their parents, so it is entirely up to those around them to reach out for them. From what I have been able to read or find from any information is that abuse is still not talked about openly, yet it is better in today's society.  Books are written about bullying, inappropriate sexual touching and other critically important issues. It is completely possible to write a book about abuse but to reach children before they are of age to understand. I would guess that if it is not possible, they could fall prey to this savage conduct. I would think that education is entirely the clue here, where at the very early age we are taught the difference between what is proper for discipline without going overboard, as well. This is a very difficult question that is not answered easily.

OQI: What advice do you have for others who relate directly to your story? 
RA: Actually this question is easier than the last.  For years I fought getting help. I had this idea that I could push all the memories and emotions under the rug and all would return to normal.  All I did was become sick physically and in every other way. I aged years beyond my time, so my advice is easy - not easy to do, but easy to give.  Get help.  Talk it out.  Face the demons and allow yourself the right to cry. Repressed memories destroy the goodness in your heart, and you deserve to be happy. There is hope and happiness in life, but you have to reach for it. You have to want it. 

OQI: Who took the photos included in the book?
RA:  A few of the photographs in the book earlier on in life were taken by professional photographers, as my mother wanted her friends to believe she had the perfect little family. As the story progresses, most of the photographs were taken by family members at different stages in my life. As the story enters adulthood in the book, most of these were taken by my husband Douglas or myself. A few were given to me from the businesses and locations featured.

OQI: Mamie, please forgive me for the strong tone with this question. I feel that it will help your readers understand a crucial element in your story. Your dad sounds like a good guy that lacked the skills to direct the household. Am I mistaken? As a father myself, I have to ask, "Did you ever forgive him for allowing this to happen?" 
RA:  Stephen, until you forgive the weakness of those that failed you due to their own fear of abuse, you will never heal. My father was weak in his ability to lead the family, but only because he was brow-beaten and abused himself by my mother. My father was a hard worker, and good at the core of his being, but not everyone can be beat down on a daily basis and emerge as a strong leader. Whatever it was that did not allow him to be strong was not his fault so yes, in time, I did forgive him.  

OQI: Why do you think that you didn't just give up and believe all of the negativity directed toward you? 
RA: Stephen, I would like to say that it was because I knew the right path, but this story begins at age four, and I believe it was from watching my older brother (who was only five years older) survive, and wanting to be just like him. Somewhere deep inside of me I longed to be loved and to have my very own family to love and to love me back. Many times I thought about what others had, but giving up only came once to my mind and heart. Maybe it was because I knew some day I would have a teddy bear to love of my own; no one would or could take from me again. Or maybe it was because I wanted to survive. Whichever it is, the bottom line is that I believed I was a survivor 

OQI: What advice do you have for self-publishing authors?
RA:  Stephen the greatest advice I would offer to anyone writing a book is to do your homework. Make a plan and stay focused.  There are many ways to publish a book, so someone that is serious about writing should know what they expect or want from their work. Is it fame, is it money or is it writing because it’s all you want to do or think about? Once you know that, you can make a plan on how to publish your book, be it with a vanity press, self published or dream big with a major publisher. I would tell them to know the difference and be prepared to work harder than when writing your book, and to know that every day you will need to carve out a steady schedule for promoting your work. Most of all to enjoy each day as an author!

OQI: Please discuss any awards or affiliations of which you are proud.
RA:  My book is currently in a cover contest sponsored by BookGoodies - I hope it remains in the lead! 
As with this win, exposure for my "Mamie" book will help it move forward, and expose it for greater donations to the charities I support. In January 2014, Reflections of Mamie: A Story of Survival won the Goodreads Book of the Month, even winning over The Great Gatsby, which was a huge delight for me. This coming year I hope to enter it into other contests. I have also been approached by screen writers so it may be written for the screen if so lucky. If I can reach just one person in need and help them find life is worth living, then everything I have done and lived through would be my greatest accomplishment above any awards.

OQI: Mamie, please take this opportunity to say anything else that you would like the world to know about you 
RA: For now, my only plans are to finish a book that has been delightful to write and it’s a book of short stories and healthy recipes for your dogs titled Maggie's Kitchen Tails, and it is co-authored with my husband and two others. I needed for myself a subject simply for fun and pleasure. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for inviting me to share with your readers a bit more about myself and the style of my writing. It has been my pleasure to work with you while getting to know your work and understand the many incredible services you are able to offer the writer as they embark on their journey to being published.
Also, In the many years that I struggled to find myself I found two very special people who brought my life to where it is today. My husband, Douglas Earl Adkins, taught me how to love, how to be loved and how to trust. Together we raised the perfect daughter who herself came from abuse and a war torn country yet this amazing daughter also gave me through her love a gift I was told I would never have. She, Kecia Kim Doke gave me herself as my daughter and a bond I never knew existed between a mother and a daughter. When my daughter was very young and felt alone, I would often lay on her bed and talk for her animals. I was whole as a person with their help and happy inside my core because of them. An emotion I had never known.      
Thank you, Rosemary "Mamie" Adkins, for taking the time to answer these questions. Those who read your story will understand the true meaning behind your words in this interview. The courage you show as you relate your story is amazing. How your grace despite suffering is applied here is a tremendous example for others in pain. Thanks for your candor. I hope that anyone reading this will be able to benefit from your thoughts and ideas. Keep up the good work, and thanks for being an inspiration.

If you would like to see more work from Rosemary "Mamie" Adkins, or if you would like to be a fan or contact her, please use the following links:



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Holding Pattern


  1. I've read Reflections of Mamie and recommend it to others. Mamie writes from the heart and even though her story is hard to read at times, it brings hope for overcoming abuse. Thank you for featuring Mamie and her important book on your blog.

    1. You're welcome! Hers is a gripping, heart-wrenching story about grit and survival. I agree that her book is important and that it is difficult to hear about some of the tragic circumstances that befell her during her youth. I applaud Mamie's efforts to share her story with the world.

    2. Why I would like others who have suffered as victims in their childhood to read this? Simple put by the author, "I only knew my story had to be written and shared so others would find their way to happiness." Please share this book with those who need it and if you are unaware of the horror of such, then read also and we can be more aware to make the world a safer place.

    3. Mamie is not only a wonderful, talented author, she is a wonderful human being. She has been there for me when I was depressed and needed feedback on my book (my true story of being held captive in Iran). Mamie's story is a very sad, emotional roller coaster ride of a story. I have been sexually abused so this story was very personal for me. Keep up the good work Mamie, your a work of art dear :) :)

    4. Hello Genora. I can see you comment took much thoughtfulness and compassion. Thank you for caring about all victims of abuse including the abuser who simply must have their own problems to act out such atrocities to their own children. I do hope that one day in my lifetime we see a peacefulness amongst families

    5. Lori, I am so sorry to hear about your troubles. It's difficult to get out from under a siege of depression and I certainly understand how hopeless that leaves you feeling. You have a story that screams painful events in your life and have overcome so well you need to be proud of yourself and your accomplishments, Thank you for stopping in and leaving a comment. Be sure you fill out the questionnaire here and submit it for review.

    6. Sandra, thank you too. I most surely thank Stephen for the support he offers Indie writers and all he has done for me. If it weren't for people like you, those that commented and so many others that have supported me along with Stephen, getting the word out about abuse would not be possible. Without the awareness of abuse it just keeps on happening.
      I always welcome your comments.


    7. Mamie's biography is a flower growing from the pain of affliction, and it is a precious gift to other children who have grown up abused. It should be required reading across America and other countries, and it should be found in all libraries as well. As recent events in the news suggest (I am speaking partly of a well-known pro football player), child abuse is a problem that for far too long as been hidden in darkness and whose prevalence we can only guess at. In having the courage to write about her own life, Mamie has provided a vital service to us all.

    8. Mamie is such a wonderful author. Although the book was difficult to read it was hard to put down as well. I found myself cheering Mamie on to escape from the horrendous ordeals that she was experiencing. Thank you Stephen for conducting this interview. It was very well done and I enjoyed reading Mamie's responses. Such a brave woman...I sincerely hope she is healing and that people will read her book so they can find the healing they need as well.

  2. Thank you for sharing. Mamie you have an important message to share from your life and I am sure that its a message that world needs to hear.

    1. So true, Jon. This story can help people heal, and it is because of Mamie's selflessness that this is able to happen.

    2. Hello Jon and thank you for commenting with the support abuse victims need. Writing this book allowed me to heal and I encourage anyone that's lost to keep a dairy but also to reach out for help. Share your story. Thank you too, Stephen.

  3. Having worked intimately with Mamie to get this book completed, I can attest to the fact that she relived each heartbreaking event in the telling of it. At the end of the day , it was that reliving and telling of it that has allowed her to conquer and come to terms with her past. I hope that this important book helps other abused individuals move forward. Mamie had a simple philosophy and that was to dream big and never give up.

    1. Linda, thanks for sharing. Again, this book is important in the regard that others may find the inspiration and courage to battle forward. Thank you, Mamie!

    2. Hello Linda. It's nice to see you here. Your continued support is so appreciated as you certainly did hold my hand during times that were bleak and offered endless hours of listening as I wept in sorrow for the childhood I missed.

  4. I agree 100%! Thanks again, Mamie, for being strong and sharing, in hopes that others may learn from your pain.

    1. Stephen, it is with people like you whose hearts are filled with compassion, holding a light for us to find our way and allowing pain to become a positive experience that turns lives around. I thank you for being part of my life and including me with my book in this outstanding publication.

  5. What an interesting interview! I learned a few things although I'm an Indie Author already myself. Being a writer is a full time job, you need to keep promoting your product and yourself every day while trying to keep it fresh! It inspired me to read your book having read a couple on child abuse already this year.

    1. Thank you for the feedback, Siggy! This interview is precisely what OQI is all about. It allows select authors to rise above mediocrity. If it interests you, or anyone reading this, follow the link on the OQI home page, and fill out the form of preliminary questions. Afterwards, if I am interested in your story, I will contact you for an ARC copy of your book.

    2. Siggy, it's heartwarming to read of your interest in child abuse stories showing your compassion to understand the effects on lives. I also thank you for any credits of sharing information that was helpful to you as a writer. We do try to help one another and I'm happy I could do so.

  6. Thanks for sharing your pain, Mamie. Your courage and strength are an inspiration to others. I thoroughly enjoyed this interview and see it as enlightening to those unaware of such circumstances.

    1. Cynthia, how very kind of you to express your opinion with encouragement. If I can reach out and make a difference to just one person in trouble, then my journey through this experience would have been worth it all. I want to be available to anyone reaching out as I had no one.

  7. I have read Mamie's book and so has my mother-in-law. She was so affected by Mamie's story that she tells me it's the best book she ever read! Thanks, Mamie, for all that you do.

    1. What a wonderful testimonial! In many ways this is a book that should top your reading lists. Please take the time to grab a copy, if you haven't already.

    2. Thank you Clayton and also to your mother-in-law. What an incredible gift you have just shared with me. Please express my gratitude to your mother-in-law and know that this comment means a lot to me.

    3. Stephen, you will never know how much joy you have given me and dreams you have filled with this interview. Thank you so very much!


  8. This is an incredible story of a sad little girls survival from abuse to grow into a beautiful fulfilled woman. Reflections of Mamie is a must read.

    1. Thank you Mary for leaving us your comment. It is an incredible feeling to see so much support and how wonderful that you both read my book and commented here.

  9. I read and edited parts of Mamie's heartwrenching,book, Reflections of Mamie." She writes from the depths of her soul and draws the reader in to share her troubled past. All those who have suffered abuse or are now still suffering need to read this captivating account of on woman's ability to reflect and overcome her past.

    1. I agree, Micki. Parts of this story relate to my own life, but to a much lesser degree. By relating to Mamie's story, I am able to identify and confront my own issues, thanks to her courage.

  10. Hi,
    An excellent interview. Thank you so much for bringing your story to many who need to hear it, so that they too can overcome their past.

    All the best.

    1. Thank you Patricia for your comment. It is exactly what was behind the driving force to write my book. People need to know they can find happiness they just to not give up.

  11. I've read the book and I am still amazed at your grace.

    1. Trish. Please forgive me for not seeing your comment. We have been traveling in so many areas that have not had Internet service or signals have been weak. But, I have to tell you your comment touched my spirit. What a wonderful thing to say considering that a few commented to me directly, that I had a lack of grace by "airing my dirty linen." But my intent was purely to help myself rid of the demons inside me by facing them head on and to reach out to others offering hope. You will never know how your comment touched my heart. Thank You.

  12. A powerful story of overcoming childhood adversity.

    1. Thank you for your comment. Overcoming the childhood adversity took me over fifty four years to accomplish and if I can only get one message out there, it would be to Never Give Up searching for yourself but do it with help. That way you can enjoy your life far sooner than I have.

  13. This is a very important book! Mamie's memoir has been so successful in taking the reader to some very dark places in her journey through child abuse, and then back out again towards hope. I have recommended her book to a number of people who are struggling with the affects of child abuse upon them in their own lives. They always feel reading it is a powerful healing experience for them that makes them feel less alone and more positive about overcoming their difficulties.

    1. Thank you Silver Love for your comment. Again in my comments tonight, I would like to apologize to those that were here taking time to comment but not receiving my responses. Being on the road doing, this book tour has been exciting and exhausting especially when the Internet is not doing me any favors! Traveling in the mountains where it is often limited or not existent. But your comments mean so much to me. Thank you for referring my book to others and sharing that here as well. The fact you have recommended my book to others who have found comfort knowing they are not alone makes me know sharing my story was the right choice. Thank you again.

  14. Mamie is truly an amazing person! To have not only endured but blossomed from all that she has gone through in her life is nothing short of miraculous. The hope and inspiration she gives has made all that have come to know and love her more than we were before. Her story is a definite must read for all ages, especially those who need to know they are not alone and there is triumph for those that seek it. Mamie holds a very special place in not only my heart, but my family's as well. We are truly blessed and honored to have her in our lives.

    1. Lisa, your comment made my day! Thank you for the compassionate comments you have made and it is I that am proud you are in my life. I feel as though those that have read my book are indeed a part of my life as I shared my deepest and darkest past with you. It is one I was ashamed to admit for many years but thankfully there are people out there like you giving me reasons to keep on fighting to stay ahead of my worst nightmares, to Never Give Up. Lisa, to you I also apologize for the delayed response. Thank you for the comment and please follow us and come back

  15. Greetings Everyone. I thought I would drop in to tell you today after my Book Signing Event here in beautiful Great Falls, Montana I have decided to rest a couple of days and visit my family since we are living so far apart. This day was exciting as I met many new people. Be sure to watch my web site so you can meet some of the wonderful people I have along my journey and catch up on what you may have missed. I thank you so much for the comments of support and will try to check in every day but if I miss you, I will get back in the saddle very soon. Please follow Stephen Wilson as he is a great man, author, publicist and will keep you up to date with information about so much. Soon we will be sharing with you many photographs of my travels during the book tour and hope you enjoy it as much as I have. Each person here and in my travels mean so much to me and have helped me heal so that I can keep traveling around trying to reach out to others so they too will become a Survivor-no longer a victim. FYI: Soon I will also have many bracelets that will be available to show your support by purchasing them from my web site with those funds going to the charities helping victims of abuse.Thank you so very much.

    Much Love,

  16. Hello Again,

    I thought I would share the many hello's from Stanford, Montana which is about one hour Southeast from Great Falls. The population s reported to have only 394 in 2913 but I do believe we met some of the friendliest people in Montana. We stopped at a Casino to use the facilities and laughed until we almost cried with these great folks. Then they agreed to allow me to post their photos on my web site. I will do that in the next few weeks. Here is the web site address so you can be watching and say hello right on back: http://www.Reflections-of-Mamie.com Please visit their Facebook page and say hello for me: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Stanford-Montana/365428730424
    Thanks Everyone!

    Rosemary "Mamie" Adkins

  17. Hello from Montana-the great City of Great Falls!!

    Today I learned a new trade...making bracelets to add to the wonderful designs we have available for fundraising to support both children and animal abuse. So while holiday shopping this year please remember that these charities need your help. They sell for $20 and under and they are a bead bracelet with charms of Hope, Dream, children or animal type, peace, Angels etc.-either stretchy or coil. If interested, please write to me at: Mamie@Reflections-of-Mamie.com and I am happy to respond with a photo and price. I thank you and so will the charities helping victims become survivors, that will be receiving these donations.

    Tomorrow, (Wednesday, October 8th) I will pick up my digital copy of my TV interview and will send it to Stephen for posting here. Thank you in advance for your feedback regarding this interview.

    Thursday we depart for the Spokane, Washington area for my book signings at the three Hastings Bookstore locations. Please check my web site for the addresses and times: http://www.Reflections-of-Mamie.com


  18. Hello Everyone!

    Time has finally allowed us to catch our breathe and I am so happy to be home where things are not so crazy with schedules. I promised a special offer for the holidays so here it is:

    From November 3, 2014 to December 31, 2014 my books are on special while supplies last. All paperbacks are $10 (savings up to $12) and my hardcover is $15 (savings of $20.) both with shipping cost and ONLY available at that price through my web site.
    That address is:
    PLEASE spread the word and remember books make a fine gift all year long.
    This special is in thanks to Stephen Wilson for the honor here for being selected at Only Quality Indie for this group and my many thanks to my readers.



    1. Thanks Mamie! It is good to hear from you. Here's to your continued success.

  19. Hello Steven, it is only through darkness we find the authentic self and reclaim our freedom. It takes courage to tell our story. Blessed are those who journey through darkness and find wholeness-not an easy task but one that is well worth the effort. Mamie, thank you for sharing your deep self and your courage to reach out offering light to those in darkness.


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